Posted on 7/26/2021

Have you ever been driving on a hot summer day, and wondered why isn’t my air conditioner blowing cold air? Your air conditioning system uses refrigerant to create cold air. The most common reasons Calgary drivers lose their cold air have to do with the refrigerant. The first is not enough refrigerant. Refrigerant is a gas in the system and if there are very small holes in a hose, seal or coupler it can allow enough gas to leak out to prevent the creation of cold air. Another potential problem for Calgary auto owners is contamination. Over time the inside of the rubber hoses can deteriorate and little bits of rubber can clog up various filters and other vital parts of the vehicle A/C system, preventing proper circulation of the refrigerant. And a component could also be worn or broken. So the first step for Calgary drivers who can't cool their vehicle is a thorough air conditioning inspection, looking for leaks and ... read more